This is a crazy season for us, but SO welcomed after the long winter we had. This is a time where our schedule is overwhelming at times, but at the end of the day we are filled and refreshed. We get the wonderful opportunity to spend time with believers from all over the country that share our same hope for the Lakota people and it reminds us of the joy it is to serve the native people. One thing that has been strong on my heart is Isaiah 40:11 "He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in arms and carries them close to His heart. He gently leads those with young."
The word keeps ringing through my heart. I know this verse well, but lately this verse has dwelt in my heart like no other time. Not because my days are miserable, or agonizing by any means. Simply because it is becoming an anthem for me. When I picture this, I don't picture God, as our shepherd, hurrying us along. Trying to make it to a deadline, or out the door, not rushing or pushing us. I picture Him gently placing His hand in ours and in the most "gentle" way walking with us. He is a God who is justice. A God of mercy. A God of patience. And all of His characteristics are so perfectly balanced, not one is greater than the other. Man... let me just say. He has been gently leading me in the sweetest of ways. He gently speaks to my heart. He gently reminds me to be patient with my children or to ask them for forgiveness in the times that I mess up (humbling). He gently whispers in the moments that are loud and chaotic. He gently gives me peace when I am searching for it. He gently stokes my spirit to be more intimate with him. He gently calls to me when my days are so busy I don't take the time for him. He gently shows me how to love His people. And He gently draws me closer to him.
You know those moments, when regardless of how your day went, or how long your night was, when you are holding your baby and you just burst with love and joy in the gift of children? God. Does. That! We bring joy to him. He looks on us with JOY. Painful Joy. Know what I mean? Had those times when you feel your heart could explode your so happy? Not just for mothers or parents, but anyone who has experienced joy. Good Joy. Soulful Joy! He feels that towards you.
God knows my heart. He knows ME. He knows my struggles, my sins, my heart cry. And He comes to me *gently* and restores me. Gah. My heart is so overwhelmed. He is so good. So sweet. So tender. Mothers, He KNOWS us. He knows the struggles, the frustrations, the long days, and long nights. But guess what else He knows...the joys, the victories, the rewards. He knows the task that sets before us to pour into our children's lives with Godly truth and foundation. He knows we need Him. He knows we can't do it alone. And He gently leads us.
My prayer for you is that this beautiful word would become real in your life. That we would let Him lead us. If you haven't heard the word "gentle" enough in this post, let him gently restore your life. He is so Worthy, capable, and willing to do so. He created our "job", let Him give us wisdom in doing it well.
Cante Wotecela
-Lakota for "gentle heart"
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