24 January 2012

Amazima Ministries

I'm excited about this next Series of blogs! Every Monday....from here on out, I will be highlighting different ministries that are near and dear to my heart.  I'm really excited about making you aware of these ministries .  They are doing awesome things for the Kingdom and hope that you enjoy reading about them as much as I have.  As you read these, be in prayer on how you can partner, support, or just spread the word about the work being done.  There is power in knowledge!!

Our first highlight is Amazima Ministries.  This is an organization that feeds, educates, and encourages orphaned children and the poor in the country of Uganda.  This is a special ministry.  It was founded by Katie Davis in 2008 when she was only 19.  She is a southern girl from Tennessee who followed the high calling that the Lord had for her.  I love this story because she visited Uganda on a short term mission trip and came back, graduated high school, and allowed the Lord to take her to this place of complete surrender.  She knew the Lord was calling her back to Uganda.  Thankfully her parents trusted God and knew that there is  no more perfect place then in the perfect will of an almighty God.   She committed herself to going back and working as a teacher for the orphanage and quickly saw an overwhelming need.  If you know anything about Uganda, you know the whole country is overwhelmed with need.  Poverty, sickness, and war rage on.  These are desprate people. 

God laid it on Katie's heart to start a child sponsorship program, matching orphaned and vulnerable children who are unable to afford schooling with sponsors anywhere in the world. Sponsors pay $300 per year to send one child to school, providing school supplies, 3 hot meals each day, spiritual discipleship, and medical care. Originally planning to have 40 children in the program, Katie had signed up 150 by January 2008. Today the program sponsors over 400 children. (information taken from the Amazima Ministries website.)

Another amazing aspect of Katies ministry is her own personal commitment to these children.  At 23 years old she is the foster mom of 14 young girls.  She is parenting as a single parent and loving these girls with ALL she has.  She is an amazing inspiration to me personally and I can't wait to see how our precious Lord continues to bless her family and ministry. 

Check out her website and read her story in "kisses from katie".  Also, follow their facebook page.  One of my favorite things she states in her book is this:

I'm not here to eliminate poverty, or eradicate disease, or to put a stop to people abandoning babies. I'm just here to love. 
- Katie Davis

That has stuck out to me so much.  We are here to love one person at a time, to feed one child, to minister to one mother, to reach one family. We aren't going to change the world in a day, but one day can change a life. 

I hope that you will follow this ministry and pray for Katie's family!

21 January 2012

Who am I? - Part 1

I wondered today what to write about...not because I lack ideas but because I'm a little overwhelmed with things to write about.  This message overflows my heart and will be my life message to young women everywhere.  I have had a heart for young girls since I was in high school.  I was in high school and defiantly struggled with my self image but at the same time I was pretty confident and I'll tell you why as we get more into this. According to the image the media paints, I didn't have a reason to be confident.

 I had out of control curly hair, bangs that seemed more like a built in visor than bangs! I did have these rockin, gigantic, very fashionable (not!!) glasses that took up the majority of my precious little face.  I had wonderful friendships, most of which I still have today. I was involved in our Theatre department at my school and pursued music early on. I even modeled for a bit after my awkward stage.  I did a photo shoot, and got accepted to go to audition at one of the biggest events in New York City.  But at the photo shoot I noticed that they were picking out outfits that didn't reflect who I was in terms of modesty.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always the most modest person, but I did respect myself enough to know that I wanted to be taken seriously.  I wanted to stand out but on my OWN terms. So I knew that for me, if I went into acting (which I still dream about sometimes...) and modeling I would set aside some of my standards that I had set for myself. So I turned New York down, and never did any more modeling after I won the award for Best Catwalk out of the whole school...lol, which I do manage to remind Matt of from time to time.  I did nail the catwalk!! haha!!

Your probably thinking, "OK, get off your high horse!!"  I say all of that to share this.  I had a wonderful dad that reminded me almost daily through either his teaching, preaching, or the stern verbal reminder that I was beautifully and wonderfully made.  That every decision we make is based on our self worth.

Yes...EVERY decision.

If we understand the position we have in Christ, the position of the Kings' beloved daughter, alot in our lives would change.  We wouldn't enter into meaningless relationships to feel valued.  We wouldn't allow others to take advantage of us in order to fit into a certain crowd.  We wouldn't allow the media to shift our view of ourselves.  We wouldn't expect our husbands to make us feel a certain way, or depend on him to make us feel valued, THEN be disappointed when he can't meet your expectations. We wouldn't wear our emotions on our sleeves to be quickly hurt or offended. We would see ourselves in a new light. If we understood our value stood on the truth of the Word, we would make decisions based on the truth of who we are in Christ.  We would know that we are valued by the King of Kings!  Question - If a big star or the cutest guy in town told you that you were beautiful, wouldn't you believe it?  Wouldn't your confidence be radiant?  Why don't we believe the Lord when he calls us beautiful and perfectly made? 

What in our lives would change if we understood who we are in Christ?

16 January 2012

hello mr. handyman!

A shout out to all the handymen out there that look fantastic in a tool belt!!  I'll be the first to say it...my man IS the MAN!  He works so hard during the day then comes home and fixes the toilets, sinks, and every other broken thing that seem to fall apart in these old houses.  Matt is so wonderful to us and takes care of us outside of hanging my endless amounts of frames and home decor and doesn't complain (too much...) when I find a steal at a thrift store that would "look SOOOOO good taking up an entire wall in the living room!"  

There is nothing he can't fix and I'm telling you, I can't imagine how much money we would have spent painting, repairing, fixing our faithful cars, and all the upkeep that comes with life.  Growing up and being home schooled, he had opportunities to learn under his dad on the jobsite.  I should thank him more that he took the time to teach his boys how to be good workers.  I'm about to do a little bragging...and no apologies on my end :)

 This is a patio Matt built, overhang, and columns.

This lovely hanging bed in the sun room that I fully intend on adding to my honey-do list!

Matt gives to everyone.  He will help you do anything you need just because you ask!  He has a servants heart in ministry and in the every day things.  He provides for his family, he's a loyal friend, and he is such a wonderful daddy.  I have never worried that our needs wouldn't be met because he works with all that he has. 

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,"

Babe, I don't tell you enough.  You work so hard so that I can stay home and love and enjoy our children. I am so blessed to be able to not miss a thing as they grow up rapidly before our eyes. Its because of you and I'm so thankful!  Thank you for being a wonderful provider and not relying just on your own efforts but trusting in the Lord who blesses us abundantly. Not to mention...you really do look totally sexy in a tool belt! :) Love you!!!

If you have a hot handyman in your house, be sure you tell him how much you appreciate him!  Our houses wouldnt be as snazzy and well decorated if we had to do it all on our own.  It's the little things.

For HIS glory,


13 January 2012

And so it begins....

 Wow!!! Welcome to my first blog post! I have been wanting to do this for a while and thanks to a wonderful friend of mine Ashley Slater of Adventures of Newlyweds for designing this BEAUTIFUL blog for me!  Check out her blog as well. 

Thank you for joining me in this adventure!  I knew this would be a great way to keep all my friends, family, and supporters in the know about life in the open range.  You can keep up with our ministry, our family, and our great adventures that we plan to have!  For our first post, I'll give you the Big Picture of our history.  I must say....I am a richly blessed women! I have a wonderful husband, beautiful children and A LOT OF FAMILY!! I have amazing parents, Dean and Angela Taylor, a sister, Crystal, and a younger brother, Daniel.  When I married Matt, I gained his 11 brothers and sisters and his loving parents! Not to mention all our nieces and nephews.  That's JUST our immediate family!

Dad, Mom, Crystal and Ashlyn (missing her husband DJ), Daniel and his wife Kathryn (who are having a baby boy any day now), and our family!

This is the Hadden Family!

well hello gorgeous... :)

My little Indian, Jacob!!

Our beauty queen :) Leah.

Matt and I married, and my whole life changed. Family is everything. It's the greatest gift. It's truly humbling and we should forever be grateful.  As we get to know each other you will get to know more about all these people.  You'll fall in love with them as much as I have!

My purpose is simple.  I hope to encourage you, as I learn, as women, mothers, wives, and followers of Christ.  I hope in some way to inspire you to be a better version of your self. I pray that through this Gods glory is revealed and his mercy and love overflow the pages of the blog.  I know that if we believe in each other and the power of the spirit working in us that we can CHANGE the world.  We can be a part of eliminating modern day slavery, abortion, and truly do something that stands for something.  I have a lot to give... I have alot that I believe in....I know that we have the power in us to do something remarkable for the kingdom of God!  We are the body of Christ, which means we are in this together.  So lets team up and encourage each other in this thing called life.

For HIS glory,
