It is only February and it has already started at being a very full year for us, there has not been any slowing down. We are hoping to get in a little routine around our house here before summer is here and we won't have time to think.
Amanda has been very busy at the house keeping up with Noah who is starting to squirm all over the place and jabber and laugh about everything while teaching Jacob and Leah at home. If any of you are not aware she (Amanda) is my rock. She keeps us all in line, challenging me spiritually taking care of everything in our home, she is looked up to by so many people, she loves Jesus. (and is really pretty doing it.) I am very thankful for her and don't sing her praises near enough. The role she has taken on in this journey we are on is so very important and a necessity to do what God has put in our hearts. Moms/Wives - don't ever think your calling is not as great as whatever your husband is doing.
We had our first teen weekend at the camp the first weekend in January. I thought it went great. We had 21 through the weekend. The theme was Restoration - How God restores us right where we are in whatever condition we are in. He makes all things new. I have seen the teens grow a lot over the last year. We have been having issues with so many of the younger ones wanting to come and be a part of teen night, as much as I would love to have all of them it is not right for the older ones and we don't have the resources to reach them right yet on this particular night. As of late we have been having over 20 teens each week. I believe God is raising up a new generation of young people here who want more in life than just what has been handed to them. It is really hard to get out of a place in life where all you have been handed in life is abuse and told that there is nothing here for you, so many of them want to check out and are crying out for help and love by cutting themselves or medicating themselves with a drug to get through the day. I see this in very early ages of 10 years old and some even younger. I say this to say - Pray for the young people on Pine Ridge, Pray for Amanda and I to have wisdom in pouring into them with our words and actions. Satan has a stronghold in our young people here and it is time we take it back.
I just got back from the Northwest Territory, Canada a few days ago. We had a great trip. We had worship meetings in the evenings and did some construction projects during the days. On Sunday we baptized 7 people and just really saw the Lord moving in so many hearts there. We were in the town of Rae which is home to some of the Dog Rib tribe. We were working with a pastor Missionary there who has been there for 20 years. It is so encouraging to see what God can do when we are faithful to what He calls to. There is a great group of people there who love God and have a great sense of community and fellowship along with a burden to see more of their people come to know Jesus. You might know this already but I want to share with you something I have learned in my travels over the years - Jesus changes people, any culture, any place, any economy Jesus makes all things new and gives purpose and reason to life. He is the giver of and the very definition of life. I am grateful for pastors and missionaries who are faithful to preach the gospel even when there is no fame or glory for themselves but rather all for Jesus. It is easy to want and desire for God to elevate us and have a big church with all the trimmings in life, but the reality is God wants us where He will be most glorified, how much do we want and desire for God to be glorified? God put me wherever will bring you the most glory. John the Baptist got it when he told His followers that his joy is full when Jesus is increased. Is Jesus increasing in and around your life?
This coming weekend I will be teaching on finances at our church. I don't know that I am the best person to be teaching on this as I have always had the idea that if you have it you need to spend it. However I can share a lot of my failures as illustrations as well as share how faithful God has been to me. We either believe that God is trustworthy and provides our needs as He said or we don't. Most of the time our actions show we don't trust the Lord. I am grateful that God is patient with me as he constantly teaches me this as He provides in ways I could have never dreamed and it is always when it is needed. As our vision grows our ministry continues to grow, with that so does our need. God has met every one of our needs and I have no doubt that he will continue to do so. My dad has always said "Whatever God orders, He pays for" - so true.
Thank you for everything that you guys do for us, we are surrounded by wonderful people that loves us and pray for us. I want you to know that it does not go unnoticed and we are so very grateful.
Learning to serve the Lord in all we do,
Matt, Amanda, Jacob, Leah and Noah Hadden
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