21 February 2012


Hello Everyone,

I hope this letter finds you all well.
I wanted to update everyone as to what God is doing with us as a family in our journey toward Pine Ridge.
All of mine and Amanda's life we have seen God do things directly in our lives as well as the people around us. So it would seem that we wouldnt have any problems just leaning back and trusting completely that God will provide just as He has promised, but for whatever reason, it is easy to forget how magnificently big our God is.
Many of the people we have talked to have expressed how hard it is to do short term mission trips to Pine Ridge, much less live there. For me that somewhat excites me even more to know that it will definately have to be a God thing for us to be there. I would also be lying to say that the thought of that didnt scare me a little. it is not always easy to be out of our comfort zones, so one thing we are going through right now is the process of learning how to lean on God for stability and provision.
I had said before that a vision needs cultivating. God does not always share with us an entire vision of what He is wanting to do in our lives, for us it was "I want you to go!" the rest will come as you begin to take steps of obedience. We are excited to find out new things about what we will be doing there as it comes to us. One thing is for sure, there is plenty of things that God is opening up for us while we are there. Our months there have already been filled up. Primarily God has led us to come alongside the body of believers that are already there and support them in their growth and serve the pastor there with helping him carry out the vision God has given him for his people. Part of that vision is to have a kids day camp through the summer where children from all points of the reservation can come and learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ within their own culture and learn that the love of God is not limited to any certain color of skin or race. It sounds far reached that there are people groups within our own country that have not had a clear presentation of the Gospel. Maybe in a few years or so I can send you a newsletter that speaks of something different, saying that there are no more people in the US that have not heard a clear gospel of Jesus.
If that is your desire, I want to encourage you to rise up and be obedient to what God has commanded each one of us to do, and you will see that the fields are plentiful and ready for the harvest.

We wanted to make our needs known to each one of you so that you would join us in praying for us, as we know the Lord will meet everyone of our needs to what he has called us to.
1.  We are still a long way short of our support - the cost of living is less on the reservation, however the fuel cost to do ministry there is a lot more. Fuel is a big portion of our support.
2.  A place to stay - yes that is right, we still arent sure where exaclty we are going to be staying! we are praying about an RV possibly if someone has one that is going to be sitting for the summer and would like for it to be used, we can help you with that. we are also open to finding a house, trailer, barn or tent to stay in on the reservation. i know that God already has that place reserved for us He just hasnt shared that with us yet, so pray that we would have patience and faith in trusting that has already been taken care of.
3.  Tires for trailer - we are taking an enclosed trailer that was given to us to carry my tools and such up there as we go to be able to do some construction projects while we are there and it needs tires and electric brakes on it to safely make the 24 hr trip in May.
4.  For Pastor Mike and Monica Brennan - he is the pastor of the church there and the people we will be working alongside
5.  For Amanda, Jacob, Leah and myself - that we would have the fruit of the Spirit, and that our faith would not waiver

Thankyou for praying for us.
The plan is for me to leave May 3rd, driving up and Amanda and the kids will be flying up the end of May.
If you have any questions or would like to know more feel free to give me a call anytime - 678-471-9945
If the Lord leads you to support us either one time or on monthly basis we thankyou for supporting us and being obedient to the Lord.
You can make any support donations to us directly or to
Harvest Park Baptist Church
Mail to;
Hadden Family
8830 Gullatt Rd
Palmetto, Ga 30268

Thankyou so much for being a part of our lives,

learning to serve the Lord in all we do,
Matt, Amanda, jacob, Leah Hadden

14 February 2012

Mi Amor...

Valentines Day oh Valentines Day....there were years that I hated you...and now years that I love you.  In our busy schedules, we dont go out of our way everyday to show our love in special ways.  We get home from work and just want to get to bed.  We have busy days where we just want to be alone with our bubble baths, music, candle, and our own peace and quiet.  Yes, Valentines Day should be everyday,  but in reality...other things take priority most days. So what is this concept?  That we should take time, 5 min out of our day to show love and affection to the people who love and adore us?  Yes.  I'm guilty of this for sure.  My schedule, my demands, my priorities are sometime out of wack, and sometimes my affection suffers. Good thing my husband has the love tank the size of a peanut or we would be so in trouble.  haha!

Today what makes me thankful, more than anything...is that the creator of the universe loved us so much that he wanted to bless us with the opportunity to feel love.  Did he have to?  Did he have to create Eve for Adam? Did he have to create nature so that we could grasp the very definition of beauty? Did he have to design marriage? or the desire for a relationships and friendships?  No, He didnt. But He LOVED me.   He wanted me to feel love, to know love, to experience love, to show love.  He wanted us to know and understand the love that He has for his children, so he gave us the gift of parenthood.  So we could have a tiny grasp of the love between a mother and a child.  He wanted us to feel the intimacy that comes with a strong marriage so that we could grasp the intimacy and anticipation of Christ and His bride. He loved us so that He blessed us with the opportunity to love and feel love.  There is no greater gift.  Love is the most powerful thing in this world. It's the most powerful emotion.

Thank you God for loving us enough to give us the greatest gift of all... Your Love.

Love today, and everyday.  With every emotion.  With every moment.